Scaling up climate change into sub-national planning and budgeting process (SNC Scale-up)


Scaling up climate change into sub-national planning and budgeting process (SNC Scale-up) is a project implemented by NCDD Secretariat, under the National Implementing Modality (NIM) of UNDP.

Cambodia’s vulnerability to climate change is widely regarded to be due to its lack of capacity to adapt.  80% of the population lives in rural areas with poor adaptive capacity and infrastructure. The agricultural sector contributes around 34% of GDP and engages 80% of the population. The Second National Communication to the UNFCCC reveals that nearly 50% of the total communes in Cambodia is categorised between vulnerable to extremely vulnerable to climate viability. A public perception survey on climate change conducted in 2010 found that more than 50% of respondents indicated that they lack of information related to climate change and 60% of the respondents do not know how to respond to climate change.

The need for climate change adaptation and disaster risk management mainstreaming has become recognized as increasingly important in building the country’s absorptive capacity and enhancing community resilience. Climate change mainstreaming interventions have been implemented to pilot the process of mainstreaming climate change into national, sectoral and sub-national levels under different initiatives. For instance, Cambodia Community Based Adaptation Programme (CCBAP), Promoting Climate Resilience in Agriculture and Water Resources Management for Rural Livelihood in Cambodia Programme (NAPAP Follow-up), Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA), Local Governments and Climate Change (LGCC), Strategic Program for Climate Resilient (SPCR), and etc.



To build resilience of communes in the face of climate change, it is recommended that local actions to address climate change and its impacts should be promoted at commune level. So far, UNDP Cambodia in collaboration with other partners has supported the Government of Cambodia in order to address climate change at the commune level in terms of planning and investment through various interventions. The proposed project aims to scale up the integration of community based adaptation into sub-national planning and budgeting process following the lessons from the on-going climate change interventions. To achieve this objective, the project will produce the following two outputs:

  1. Increased the support and ownership of sub-national administrations on the integration of climate change into district and commune investment programmes through the engagement and facilitation of key sectors and CSOs.
  2. Enhanced ownership and readiness of National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDD-S) for the development and implementation of the operational guideline for mainstreaming climate change into sub-national planning process.

Project’s area

The project will help scale up the integration of climate change measures into district and commune investment programmes of 49 additional communes and 5 districts in 3 target provinces, namely Battambang, Takeo and Preah Vihear provinces.