National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS)
Integration of Social Accountability into National and Sub-National Systems Phase II Project
Request for Expression of Interests
1) Gender, Disability and Inclusion Consultant (GDIC)
2) Senior Multimedia Consultant (SMC)
The National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD) is mandated as the overall program authority and through its Secretariat (NCDDS) is responsible for policy formulation and program coordination to undertake Organic Law and D&D reform through National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development (NP-SNDD). In 2020, the first phase of the NP-SNDD was ended, and currently the second phase of the NP-SNDD (2021-2030) has been implementing. The Objective of the NP-SNDD phase II (NP2) is that by 2030 structures and systems of sub-national governance are modern, autonomous, effective, transparent, and accountable in their provision of public services and local development. They will respond to the prioritized needs of the people in their jurisdiction in an equitable and inclusive manner. Each type of SNA will have adequate power and capacity to carry out their functions under the oversight of their councils to strengthen accountability to citizens.
Social accountability is set as a priority activity in component 2 of NP-2 which has been carried through Social Accountability Strategic Plan and its Implementation for Social Accountability Framework (SA). SA is now in the second phase, which cover the period 2019-2025. SA has been implementing through the cooperation between the supply side-led by government entities at national and sub-national level, the demand side-led by civil society organizations, and development partners in order to enhance the constructive engagement between citizens and government as an integral element of governance arrangements – through which public decision-making and action takes place. During SA-II, World Bank through multi-donor trust fund on Social Accountability and Service Delivery supports the supply side through the Integration of Social Accountability into National and Sub-National Systems Phase II Project which NCDDS is an implementing agency to coordinate and support SA supply side.
To support the project, NCDDS is seeking for:
1) Gender, Disability and Inclusion Consultant (GDIC)
2) Senior Multimedia Consultant (SMC)
The qualifications and duties of each post are set in the detail ToRs available from the NCDD Website:
The interested candidates are kindly requested to provide their cover letter, updated curriculum vitae with recent photo, indicating their personal and technical skills, academic qualifications and experience in similar assignments along with the names of three (3) referees with contact information (title, e-mail, and telephone).
Expressions of Interest must be submitted to the address below by email or hard copies, no later than February 13, 2024 (before 5:00 pm). Only short-listed candidates will be invited for contract negotiation.
MEID-NCDDS located in Room 705, 7th Floor, Ministry of Interior.
Preah Norodom Boulevard, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Attention: Mr. Keo Samrith, the Project Procurement Officer.
Email: and copy to