Request for Expression of Interest for Post: Development of Community Institutions of the Poor (Location 1&2)








Contract Title: Development of Community Institutions of the Poor (Location 1&2)

Project: Livelihood Enhancement and Association of the Poor

Location 1: Angkor Thum, Kralanh, Pouk and Srei Snam

Contract : KH-MOI-82848-CS-CQS

Location 2: Chi Kraeng, Prasat Bakong, Siem Reap, Soutr Nikom, Svay Leu

Contract: KH-MOI-82083-CS-CQS

(Extension deadline to January 18, 2019)

To address the needs of rural and urban poor in Siem Reap Province and Phnom Penh Municipality, the Royal Government of Cambodia obtained US$20.17 million in credit financing from the World Bank to fund the Livelihood Enhancement and Association of the Poor (LEAP) Project. The 5- year project began in May 2017 and has a closing date of November 30, 2022. The project development objective is: to improve access of poor and vulnerable households in selected communities to financial services, opportunities for generating income, and small-scale infrastructure.

The main objectives of the assignment are to:

  • Establish and develop the capacity of Self Help Groups (SHGs), Producers Groups (PGs), Commune Level Federations (CLFs), and Agriculture Cooperatives (ACs)
  • Collaborate and coordinate with MAFF/PDA to facilitate their response to the technical, agriculture and livestock-related needs of SHGs, PG, CLFs and ACs
  • Develop the capacities of the SR-SMT, District Facilitators, Commune Councils, Community Professionals, and other community resource persons to provide ongoing, sustainable support to the SHG, PG, CLFs and Acs

The Ministry of Interior now invites non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to indicate their interest in bidding on this contract. In response to this Expression of Interest (EOI), interested organizations should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services. The shortlisting criteria are:

  1. Required to be a non-government organization; development agency; foundation; research, consultancy & training organization; or any other agency registered as a non-profit in Cambodia or abroad.
  2. Minimum of ten years of experience implementing development projects involving community-based microfinance, agriculture and/or rural development.
  3. Experience in the formation and nurturing of savings and credit based Self Help Groups.
  1. Experience implementing similar projects supported by international donors/multilateral & bilateral agencies.
  2. Experience working with national government agencies responsible for agriculture and livestock.
  3. Experience working with subnational authorities, in particular, provincial district, commune and/or village authorities.
  4. Experience working in Cambodia, and in Siem Reap Province, specifically, is preferred. 

The attention of interested NGOs is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011 and revised July 2014 (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

An NGO will be selected in accordance with the Selection Based on the Consultants’ Qualifications (CQS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines. As such, upon assessment of qualifications and experience of the applicants, only eligible and qualified organisations will be invited to respond to a Request for Proposals.

The full ToR can be requested, for information, from the contact below.

Expressions of Interest must be delivered in written form to Mr. Heanh Bunna, chief of procurement of LEAP project, Email: , Tel: Office: +855 12 504 711. The deadline for receiving responses to this EOI is January 18, 2018 (before 17:30 hours).
