Kingdom Of Cambodia
Nation Religion King
National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS)
Procurement of Qty 60 Motorbikes (Extension)
Ref No.: NCDD/IP3-III/GD/2018-002
1. The National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCCDS) now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the supply of the Qty 60 Motobikes.
2. Procurement of the Motobikes will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures as specifies in the Procurement Manual for all externally financed projects/programs in Cambodia, MEF, May 2012.
3. This invitation is open to all eligible bidders legally registered in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 8:00a.m to 12 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m, Monday – Friday.
5. Qualification requirements are specified in ITB Clause 14.2 “Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Bidder” and in Bid Data Sheet.
6. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be requested by interested bidders on submission of a written application to the address below and a copy of the bidding documents free-of-charge. In case bidders are from within Cambodia, the bidding documents can be secured from the address below while for those outside the country the bidding documents will be couriered if requested, upon confirmation of payment courier fee.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address given below in paragraph 10 at or before 2:30 pm on 5th November 2018. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address given below in paragraph 10 at 2:30 pm.
8. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Securing Declaration or Bid Security as described in the Instructions to Bidders
9. The National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat and/or the Funding Agency will respectively declare a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a contract financed by the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development and/or the Funding Agency respectively, if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent, coercive or collusive practices in competing for or in executing a contract
10. The address referred to above is:
The National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS), the Ministry of Interior. First Floor, Procurement Office, Administration and Finance Division Khan Chamcar Mon, Phnom Pehn, Cambodia.Ms. Sok Ratana, E-mail: Tel. No. (855-23) 720 061, 720 038.