Svay Rieng Province: Mrs. Chet Sary, 50, is a former vice-chief of the Commune Women’s Association and a literacy teacher in Svay Thom commune, SvayRieng province…
Svay Rieng Province: Mrs. Chet Sary, 50, is a former vice-chief of the Commune Women’s Association and a literacy teacher in Svay Thom commune, SvayRieng province. Today, she is an elected Counselor and focal point for women and children affairs on the Svay Thom Commune Council, Svay Chum District, Svay Rieng Province.
Mrs. Chet Sary has only limited formal education, completing grade 3, but owing to her personal commitment to help her community, she has managed to overcome many challenges and gain valuable experience over the past many years.
Mrs. Chet Sary is active in promoting awareness amongst pregnant women of the importance of maternal health care, having medical check-ups and a safe delivery at the Health Center. She cooperates with the members of the Commune Committee for Women and Children (CCWC) and village chiefs in raising awareness on issues related to women’s health and child protection. Prior to disseminating information, Mrs. Sary helps to collect statistical data on the numbers of pregnant women in each village within her commune. She then advises these women that immediately after missing their period they should visit the health center regularly in order to ensure a safe pregnancy, safe delivery and healthy life for both mother and baby.
In addition, she has set up a Health Support Group in her commune to collect information on delivery due dates.Now people in her commune have an improved understanding on how to take care of their health during pregnancy and the importance of safe delivery at the heath center.
More importantly, during monthly meetings of the CCWC, Mrs. Sary raises issues concerning women and children with the commune chief and other counselors in order that solutions can be found. She also prepares letters of request to the commune chief in order for poor women to have an exemption from health service fees at the Health Center so that they are able to deliver their babies safely.
All of these activities she is fulfilling with great joy, interest and collaboration without any discrimination.Starting from zero, Mrs. Sary now has confidence and a commitment to move forward successfully in contributing to the development of her village and commune. By: The Gender Team of Ministry of Women’s Affairs/NCDD