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Sub Program 1 (NCDD Secretariat)
This Sub-program sets out the role of NCCD-S in generating policy; developing the legal framework and maintaining and communicating the vision and monitoring and tracking progress for SNA functioning as set out in the Organic Law and the National Program. NCDD-S will also coordinate and monitor, on behalf of NCDD, the implementation of the other Sub-programs.
NCCD-S will carry out the above tasks through a self-executed Sub-program, which includes a body of National Program Advisers at District/Municipality and Provincial level who will help facilitate, coordinate and monitor IP3 activities. NCCD-S will take the lead in setting out, but not implementing, a framework for legality control mechanisms. The RGC is committed, following the approval of the National Program, to gradually shifting specific regulatory powers and service delivery responsibilities to sub-national administrations.
This is critical to ensure that the newly created SNAs are not marginalized, and gradually take on increasing responsibilities in the core government business of delivering public services and regulating economic and social matters. The first step is to forge a “whole-of-government” consensus on how the functional reassignment process should be carried out, in accordance with a consistent and transparent approach. As well as setting out a process, priority sectors/services will be identified to initiate the reassignment process. During the IP3, a number of pilots will be implemented to test the selected arrangements and learn critical lessons on the structuring and management of de-concentration and delegation arrangements.
However, it is important to stress that carrying out specific functions delegated or devolved by national Ministries is not the sole purpose of the emerging SNAs. In fact, their general mandate for local development is absolutely critical to their identity. It makes them autonomous bodies of local political constituencies, and not just units of the central government, in their jurisdictions. It provides a wide open space in which SNAs must exercise local autonomy, mobilize local resources and be responsive to local needs.
At the same time, the capacity of Communes/Sangkats will be strengthened with regard to their ownership in mobilizing and managing the resources to support the intra administration projects (cooperation between Commune/Sangkat and Commune/Sangkat; and between Commune/ Sangkat and District/Municipality) in responding to local needs and resource use in an effective manner.
This component Sub-program also sets out activities to build the capacities of DM Councillors to undertake their functions and legal obligations. This component will remain independent of, but nonetheless coordinated with, the Capacity development component of the MOI Subprogram which focuses on the “executive branch” of SNAs.