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Sub Program 3 (Secretariat of State of Civil Service)
Sub Program 3 (Secretariat of State of Civil Service)
The integration and re-deployment of personnel should be made while the functions are being transferred to SNA. During the course of the IP3, some sector functions will begin to be deconcentrated and delegated to SNA. As such this process requires an assessment of human resources for performing those de-concentrated and delegated functions in order to prepare for personnel redeployment to SNA following successful pilots. The process of mapping all HR
management issues arising from the SNDD reforms has already commenced with joint teams made of officers from MOI, MEF and the State Secretariat for Civil Service (SSCS) carrying out a diagnostic that will help ensure that the process is aligned with the Public Administration Reform (PAR) program.
Sub-program 3 sets out the process through which SSCS and MOI, supported by the Policy Division of NCCD-S will develop a sub-national Human Resources strategy leading, in time, to a new civil service statute for Sub-national level staff.