Exchange of Experiences between Sub-National Councillors

Phnom Penh, 16 July 2013: As laid out in the strategic framework for the capacity development of sub-national administrations, study tours and exchanging experiences are acknowledged as an effective approach for the capacity development of sub-national administrations (SNAs)…

Ministry of Interior Launches Pilot Civil Registration Web Based Database

Kampong Cham, 6 March 2013: In collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Planning (MoP) and USAID Better Health Services Project (BHS) implemented by University Research Co, LLC (URC), the Ministry of Interior (MoI) on 26 February 2013 launched a pilot web based application for recording and reporting civil registration and vital statistics … Read more



Report of the IP3 2011 Local Governance Survey

This report documents the results of the first IP3 nationally representative survey of governance at local level. During 2011 the survey interviewed 1,412 citizens and 720 councilors about their perceptions and assessment of governance in their CS