Accountability Working Group


After the screening step, complaints outside the PAWG’s mandate will not  be examined  Complaints within the mandate but without  sufficient facts will be closed at the evaluation step.  A  feedback letter attached with complaints list is, at this stage, required to report to Commune Council. However, it is recommended that the identification of any persons in the each complaint shall not be allowed. When the investigation is  completed  and the issue resolved at the step 7,  a feedback letter is also provided to Commune Councillor. The decision has to be made public on the information board, so  the complainant can follow up the complaint resolution by PAWG if he/she wants to.,

Who we are?

The Royal Government of Cambodia’s D&D reform has been designed with a strong emphasis on ensuring transparency and fostering a culture of good governance. Under financial and technical assistance from World Bank and UNDP/PSDD, In June 2005, the Provincial C/S Fund Accountability Working Group was established in individual provinces to ensure the transparent, accountable and effective use and implementation of the Commune/Sangkat (C/S) Fund. By December 2008, the NCDD issued new guidelines to expand the mandate and functions of this working group , which is called the Capital/Provincial Accountability Working Group (PAWG), with members from government institutions, Commune Councillor representatives, contractor and civil society representatives. The C/PAWG also aims to ensure the accountability transparency and effectiveness in utilization of funds. With the new mandate they relate to  all budget sources implemented by sub-national level that  are within the NCDD Annual Workplan and Budget and coordinated and utilized by the structure of NCDD and the Commune/ Sangkat Fund, and contributing to strengthen the task performance, in line with legal principles, at Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts, Khans, Communes and Sangkats.

People have the rights to make complaint?

It is stated in the Guideline # 014 issued by NCDD that the people have the rights to report any information or make a complaint related the irregularity of funds, and role and responsibility of sub-national government officials. The statement is also written in the information leaflet that  is available at the Accountability Box.  To make a complaint, it is not required for people to write their name or identification.  People should be aware of reporting complaint mechanism.

What ways can you make complaint?

Complaints can be made by three ways : (1) Writing complaint, (2) phone call and (3) report to PAWG member. To file a  written complaint, people can use paper or complaint form which is available at the PAWG office in the province. People can call straight away to any member via his or her phone number in the leaflets (that should be  in the Accountability Box).

People also can meet in person with any PAWG member who are listed as PAWG members in the province. Name and contact address for each PAWG members are written in the leaflet.  Each PAWG is required to set up the hotline for receiving complaints. .

To whom you make complaint against?

The complaints can be made against any person  who is engaged in the irregularity of all fund in the NCDD annual work plan and budget, and the performance of sub-national government officials. Complaints can also be filed against  persons who engage in the project implementation such as contractor, Commune Councillors, Commune Clerk, Provincial treasury, ExCom unit staff, District councillors, Provincial councillors, development partners’ staff… etc.

Are complaints confidentially kept?

Confidentiality is one of key principles for complaint investigation process which is applied by the Investigation Team. All complaints that  are received from different sources are confidentially kept. People could submit  anonymous complaints. PAWG is obligated to raise awareness of people and stakeholders about this matter.

How are the complaints resolved?

The process of investigation and complaint resolution is clearly written in the manual that was used during  training to Provincial Support Officers and others. DFTs/PFTs of ExCom are responsible to collect complaints from Accountability Boxes. To open the box at Sala Khum, it is required that at least 3 persons such DFT, Commune administrative representative are present, but  they are not allowed to read the complaints.  At least, 2 PAWG members are assigned to monitor the screening of complaints which is done by Provincial Support Group (PSG). An investigation team is appointed by PAWG The complaints are not take action if the complaints are not within the PAWG mandate. PAWG meeting is held to make decision based on the investigation report.

Sanction against the Abuse Persons

Each PAWG adopts the sanctions in line with Guideline # 014 issued by NCDD. Sanctions include the followings:

  • Termination of staff contract if incentives are provided;
  • Take measurements against The Royal Government of Cambodia’s Co-Statute of Civil Servant Law
  • A financial fine
  • Cancellation of Contractor’s name from the Pre-Qualified Contractor List.
  • Apply verbal or written worming and/or financial fine against the Administrative and Management Law of Commune/Sangkat