Stakeholder Presentation on Proposed Initiatives for Sub-National Climate Change Adaptation Financing

Phnom Penh, 29th February 2016: Cambodia is one of the first countries to Pilot LoCAL mechanism. The Local Governmet Climate Change (LGCC) was designed to support the capacity of the LoCal Governent to implement the Climate Change Adaptation to increase the resilience at the local level. As the result of the phase I and the phase II of the project with the support from EU GCCA and SIDA, LGCC has demostrated that the Peformance Based Grant Mechanism …

Phnom Penh, 29th February 2016: Cambodia is one of the first countries to Pilot LoCAL mechanism. The Local Governmet Climate Change (LGCC) was designed to support the capacity of the LoCal Governent to implement the Climate Change Adaptation to increase the resilience at the local level. As the result of the phase I and the phase II of the project with the support from EU GCCA and SIDA, LGCC has demostrated that the Peformance Based Grant Mechanism (PBCRG) has  inrease the government capacity to produce the local infrastructure which contributed to increase the resilence of their commuity to the climate change effect in their area.


Wiith 5 years experiences in implementing the programme, LGCC has imaproved the mechnism and improved the capacity of the local government, at  the same time it also infuenced the policy in maistreaming CCA into the local government planning and also the role of local government in implementing the CCA. The new guideline of the local govenrment plannig was approved in the begining of the year where the CC  intervention will be a part of the normal development planning.


Currently , LoCAL/LGCC is entering the phase III of its implementation where the national goverment will access the resources (climate finance)  directly and chanele it to their local covenment. At this phase the sustainability of the programme will start, where the mechanism introduce to the project will be adopted and inplement by the government to sclae up the programm to all LGs especialy the one whi h more vulnerable to the climate change.


NCDDS as the implementing partner of the   prkgramme has been nominated by the Cambodian government to be the first  National Implementing Entities (NIE) for Green Climate Fund (GCF) to apl,y for the GCF direct access to scale up the LGCC programme to more local governmet. NCDD has been registerd as the candiate NIE and the draft proposal for the GCF Enhance Direct Access has been developed.


A workshop to facilitate a wide consultation of the proposal has been conducted at NCDD Secretariat, with 40 participants from Department of Climate Change, NCDS, CCCA, MoE, MEF, UNCDF, UNDP, SIDA, WB, ADB, SDC, Battambang Administration, Takeo Administration, National Committee for Local Councilor and NCDD Secretariat teams. The meeting was chaired by H.E. Ngan Chamroeun, Deputy Executive Head of NCDDS. 


The meeting was proceeded through three key presentations in order to make all participant aware of progress and achievement to date and also to collect comment and feeback over the  of LGCC II project, Draft proposal of GCF and Draft bridging phase of LGCC II. 


H.E. Ngan Chamroeun Local Government Association representative requested that LGA be included in the project in a capacity development role. He mentioned ongoing LGA activities including the UNDP ACES project and a sub-national LED project funded by Canada. H.E also commented that implementing responsibilities are not yet decided. H.E. also commented that SIDA had emphasized to him the importance of the policy development aspect – want to see development of a “sub-national CCA policy.”


Mr. Sum Thy (Director, Climate Change Department, MoE) said that MoE wants to see CCCSP activities extended to sub-national level. They are already cooperating with NCDD-S on the UNDP-GEF Resilient Livelihoods project (starting implementation soon!) which also has LGA participation. He added MoE is so happy to see that NCDDS and the LGCC phase III is aligned with MoE’s strategies.


MEF representative (Mr. Vichet) mentioned the difficulties and delay experienced in amending sub-national budgets once they are approved. It will be better if grant allocations can be decided in time for them to be included in the “budget book.”


H.E. Ngan Chamroeun said procedures for conditional cash transfers are a key issue for NCDD-S particularly in view of the upcoming scale-up of functional transfer for primary education. LGCC has led the way in piloting this kind of transfer. Finally H.E concluded the meeting by appreciating the active participation of DPs, MoE, MEF, and National League and project team, especially the support from SIDA and He added that the draft proposal of bridging phase will be shared to all DPs by project team tomorrow for their consideration.

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